Inspection Items
JB Home Inspections include, but are not limited to the following areas; Interior, Exterior, Roof, Attic, Basement and Foundation, Structural Components, and Heating, Plumbing and Electrical Systems
The home inspection will be performed by a licensed home inspector to the “Standards of Practice” set by the New Jersey Home Inspection Advisory Committee and by the rules in the New Jersey Administrative Code contained at N.J.A.C.13:40-15.

The Interior Inspection will include a complete evaluation of the floors, walls, ceilings, doors and windows

Basement & Foundation
We will inspect all of the visible structural components of the home, including the walls and wood framing.

The exterior portion of the inspection will provide an evaluation of the siding, windows, doors, grading, chimney, gutters and downspouts.

Plumbing & Electrical
Both the plumbing and electrical systems will be inspected for condition and proper operation.

You will receive a full and complete inspection of the entire roof, including the flashing and the gutters.

Heating Systems
The heating system will be inspected for age, condition and operation